Local Happenings Magazine: Plastic Surgeons for the Greater Good
A local plastic surgeon takes his skills overseas
Recently, Matt Larson of Local Happenings Magazine interviewed Dr. William McClure on his overseas work and his plastic surgery practice in Napa Valley. Read Larson’s article below.
Find the original article at: www.localhappeningsmagazine.com
By Matt Larson
When it comes to something as involved as plastic surgery, what’s most important is that whoever is providing the procedure is safe, professional, and passionate about doing good work. We spoke with Dr. William McClure of Napa Valley Plastic Surgery, who explained to us how his practice consists of much more than meets the eye.
“Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to have attracted a loyal following of patients who trust me, and continue to refer new patients,” he said, noting that it couldn’t be done without his manager and staff who are equally devoted to the care and comfort of their patients. “On my part, I strive to keep up to date on all advances in plastic surgery and continue to innovate.”
McClure completed his plastic surgery training at Stanford in 1984, shortly before being offered a position here in Napa by his senior partners, Jeff Reichel and John Zimmerman. “I was attracted by the fact that they were both excellent surgeons who had also trained at Stanford,” he said. “And a big enticement was that they offered me the opportunity to continue doing yearly overseas volunteer work.”
“Children with congenital deformities, such as cleft lips, and those with traumatic deformities, such as burn scars,” receive much of his focus, he explained. “My proudest accomplishment had been in 1989, which was starting a plastic surgical teaching program in Vietnam. The program is thriving today.” He began a similar training program in Cuba in 2016.
“We are the only American program accepted by the Cuban government,” McClure stated. “As in Vietnam, it is humanitarian partnerships such as these that bring hostile countries together.” The Cuba program, by the way, is being completely funded by donors in the Napa Valley.
“Napa has never let us down,” McClure added. “Whether for hurricane relief in Honduras, a health clinic in central Africa, a mentoring program for at-risk youths—the citizens of Napa have consistently opened their hearts and their wallets.”
Wineries and local restaurants have donated to many of their fundraisers, some of which were held by the local Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, as well as some local churches. “One long-time Napa resident [who prefers to remain anonymous] has personally donated and raised over $850,000!” McClure exclaimed. It’s as if the support from the community fuels his passion to make a difference even more.
“If plastic surgery was a hobby, I would do it on the weekends!” he said. Now at 35 years in the business after completing his training at Stanford, he doesn’t plan to retire anytime soon. “I enjoy my patients too much, and I love operating.”
Looking forward, McClure plans to bring on younger associates, which will allow him to devote even more time to his overseas work, as well as volunteer projects closer to home.
To any readers who have previous experience with Napa Valley Plastic Surgery, Dr. McClure delivered the sad news to us that his partner of 25 years, Dr. Rebecca Jackson, suffered a devastating injury at the end of last year that may prevent her from ever returning to plastic surgery again.
“She is currently in a rehabilitation program and gradually improving,” McClure said. Her specialty was teaching microsurgery. “She has already donated her specialized microsurgical instruments to a volunteer organization which will continue the work that Becky held so dear … The outpouring of support from her patients and colleagues has been heartwarming.”
From tattoo removal to traumatic deformities, McClure’s specialties run across the board, but he does have one particular skill that is rare among many plastic surgeons. “It may surprise readers to know that many plastic surgeons don’t do rhinoplasties [nose jobs],” he said. “These operations require a high skill level and a degree of artistic creativity.” That being said, rhinoplasties are McClure’s favorite cosmetic operation to work on. Always up for a challenge, he pursued this skillset early in his career.
“Early on in my training I became attracted to this operation and sought out extra training with two of the nation’s most renowned rhinoplasty experts,” he recalled. “I do many of those both at home and abroad. Doing rhinoplasties is as fun for me as carving wood or shaping surfboards, both hobbies of mine.”
Napa Valley Plastic Surgery provides basically every type of cosmetic surgery on the face and body, as well as reconstruction of the breasts and face after cancer treatment. Non-surgically, they provide Botox and fillers, skin resurfacing for wrinkle reduction, medical skincare, and laser vein treatment.
“We are also available to see patients in the emergency room for treatment of lacerations, burns, dog bites, and other traumas requiring repair or reconstruction,” McClure confirmed.
Throughout his career, McClure has been honored by the ReSurge International Foundation, he received the Sister Ann McGuinn Award for Justice from Queen of the Valley Medical Center, and was recognized by the Dalai Lama himself in 2005 as “an unsung hero of compassion” when they met each other at a special ceremony in San Francisco.
Give them a call for additional information at (707) 258-6053, or visit nvplasticdev.wpengine.com to submit an inquiry, check out their blog, video clips, reviews and more.
With more than three decades of experience, and consistently voted as one of the best plastic surgeons in the region, consider Dr. McClure and Napa Valley Plastic Surgery if you find yourselves or your loved ones in need of their services.